IgA Nephropathy

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How Can I Control IgA Nephropathy with Food

2015-06-05 10:36| Font Size A A A

How Can I Control IgA Nephropathy with Food IgA Nephropahy patients need to have a dietary plan which is different from the healthy people, as there are several dietary restrictions for them. A balanced eating plan is significant for protecting kidneys from the further damage. Well then, how can they control IgA nephropathy with food?

IgA nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease, which is characterized by the IgA deposition in the kidneys’ area. The disease can hamper both your physical and psychological health, because it will cause more and more symptoms or discomforts along with the development of illness condition. Therefore, the food patients eat must be harmless to the kidney’s health. Based on the principle, patients should obey the following suggestions.

1. Protein supplement

Protein is one of necessary nutritions in our bodies. For patients with kidney damage, they need to regulate the protein intake according to degree of kidney damage. Generally, patients need a low-protein diet but high quality protein, because high-quality protein can produce few wastes which can help reduce the kidneys’ burden.

2. Low salt food

Patients with IgA nephroapthy are prone to suffer from high blood pressure and swelling due to decreased renal function. Hence, a low-salt intake is necessary to keep blood pressure within the normal range.

3. Take enough vitamins

It is important to supply enough vitamins, especially vitamin C. Because patients may have anemia due to long-term kidney damage, vitamin intake can help promote iron’s absorption.

4. Limit potassium intake

If patients do find that their potassium is more higher than the normal range in their blood test, they should limit intake of potassium. And they should keep cautious when choosing some fruits and vegetables.

The mentioned above is the general introduction of friendly-kidney diet suggestions for IgA nephropathy patients. Any questions, please do feel free to talk with our Online Doctor or leave a message below directly. And we are always here to help you.

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