IgA Nephropathy

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Is There Anything I Can Do to Stop IgA Nephropathy from Progressing

2018-03-04 19:51| Font Size A A A

Is There Anything I Can Do to Stop IgA Nephropathy from Progressing
IgA Nephropathy is a slowly progressed kidney disease. In some cases, it is possible for you to get complete remission. Is there anything I can do to stop IgA Nephropathy from progressing? Read on to find out the answer.

The main problem of IgA Nephropathy is the abnormal immune system, which can cause too many IgA immune complexes to be produced. With blood circulation, those IgA immune complexes go into kidneys and deposit in mesangial areas, leading to kidney inflammation. Over time, it can impair renal function.

Treatment to stop IgA Nephropathy from progressing

From the above, we can see that to stop IgA Nephropathy from progressing, we should regulate the abnormal immune system, cleanse those IgA immune complexes, and inhibit renal inflammation to stop further kidney damage.

Conventional western medicine treatment can only help inhibit renal inflammation, so it is not a perfect treatment for IgA Nephropathy. And that is also the reason why your disease keeps worsening even though you are on treatment. Here we recommend a new treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy.

This is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment. The whole treatment is divided into two parts. The first part is to make use of Cycle Therapy, Steam Therapy, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath and so on to dissolve toxins, dispel toxins and discharge toxins including those IgA immune complexes to make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. The second part is to use targeted treatment for the removal of renal inflammation. After about one week’s treatment, your urine will become cloudy and smelly due to the existence of wastes and immune complexes. After about half month’s treatment, back pain, swelling, proteinuria, blood urine, high blood pressure and some other clinical symptoms will be relieved greatly. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and renal function will be promoted gradually. Long-term treatment can help correct the abnormal immune system and prevent frequent relapse.

Is there anything I can do to stop IgA Nephropathy from progressing? Yes, there is. If you can not find out such a treatment in the local, welcome to Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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