IgA Nephropathy

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7 Treatment Methods for IgA Nephropathy

2018-07-10 11:39| Font Size A A A

7 Treatment Methods for IgA Nephropathy
IgA Nephropathy is caused by many pathogenesis. The most common pathogenesis is intestinal or respiratory infections. They can cause immune system to produce immunoglobulin A1 and then form immune complexes, which can deposit on mesangial area of kidneys to damage glomeruli and renal tubule. Eventually it can lead to kidney failure.

New view is that IgA Nephropathy is also an autoimmune disease with a strong genetic component. It has ethnic and regional differences, and is common in Asian populations (accounting for 40-50% of China's glomerulonephritis), moderate in European populations and rare in the Americas.

Is IgA Nephropathy serious?

Although IgA Nephropathy is classified into several levels, whether it will progress to uremia or not is not highly correlated with the classification, but is closely related to urinary protein and hypertension.

If there is no proteinuria, hypertension or renal insufficiency, but only latent blood, the likelihood of developing uremia is small.

If IgA Nephropathy patients have significant proteinuria and hypertension, the probability of developing uremia in 15 years is 30-40%. If the patient has obvious renal insufficiency, the probability of progression to ESRD is 50-70%.

If the urinary protein exceeds 3.5g/24 hours (less frequent), it is likely to be associated with other Nephrotic Syndromes, such as minimal change disease, or focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).

How many treatment methods does IgA Nephropathy have?

1. ACEI or ARBs can reduce proteinuria in IgA Nephropathy, but there is no evidence to prove that they can delay the onset of uremia.

2. Glucocorticoid is used in IgA Nephropathy with over 1g/24h proteinuria, but the effect is not clear and the side effects are large, so whether it can bring benefits to patients is debatable.

3. Immunosuppressants (cyclophosphamide, thiazathiopurine, cellcept, etc.) are used when IgA Nephropathy deteriorates dramatically, but it remains to be determined whether or not they benefit.

4. Fish oil is often used in the treatment of IgA Nephropathy in European and American countries. Try it if other methods don’t work.

5. Remove tonsils. But current studies can not reach the same conclusion that it is indeed effective. It is advisable to remove the tonsils only if tonsillitis frequently causes a recurrence of IgA Nephropathy.

6. New drug: budesonide. It is used to treat asthma, but has been found to be effective against IgA Nephropathy in recent years. Budesonide controlled release capsules for IgA Nephropathy is being tested and may enter clinical practice in the future.

7. New drug: OMS721, currently the most promising IgA Nephropathy target drug. Most IgA Nephropathy patients have observed a significant decrease in urinary protein in drug trials, and the curative effect can be maintained after drug withdrawal, which may lead to a great change in the field of kidney disease in the future.

Now you know the 7 treatment methods for IgA Nephropathy. If you would like to know more information on IgA Nephropathy treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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