How to Diagnose Kidney Disease without Renal Puncture

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How to Diagnose Kidney Disease without Renal PunctureRecently there are many patients consult us: “I just found kidney disease and the doctor suggest me to do renal puncture. I do not know what can I do.” Indeed, many patients are worrying about its side effects. Well then, how to diagnose kidney disease without renal puncture?

What’s the renal puncture?

Renal puncture, also known as renal biopsy, is a medical procedure in which a small piece of kidney is removed from the body for examination, usually under a microscope, so as to get a pathological type of kidney disease. Therefore, the big functions is to confirm the pathological type so as to make a individualized kidney disease treatment.

What are benefits of renal biopsy?

Like Nephrotic Syndrome, Chronic Glomerulonephritis, etc, are the very general concept. The specific pathology needs to depend on renal biopsy.

Well then, what are the disadvantages of renal biopsy?

The one of leading disadvantages is that it may cause the secondary kidney damage and infections. When diagnosed with kidney, the kidney has already been damaged. As for renal biopsy, the surgery will cause further kidney damage. What’s more, every surgery has certain risk of infections. In addition, kidney has more than one millions nephrons. And renal biopsy is just taken a small piece of kidney for examination. Therefore, the test is not very accurate to reflect the whole kidneys condition.

Well then, without renal puncture, how to diagnose kidney disease?

In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital (one of largest kidney disease specialized hospital in China), we do use advanced medical equipment to diagnose the type of kidney disease.

Roche COBAS8000 biological immune pattern analysis system

The test is imported from German and the procedure is very simple but very accurate. The kidney disease can be diagnosed by a tube of blood under the help of the equipment.

Siemens BN II specific protein analyzer

It can analyze the urine element and type of proteinuria. Generally speaking, its test can help diagnose your kidney disease type, and damage position and degree of kidney damage.

In addition, ARCHITECT i1000SR automatic immunity analyzer, Olympus ultra-high times microscope, etc can be used for diagnosing type of kidney disease.

It plays a significant role for treating kidney disease. We do use blood and urine test to diagnose kidney disease. So it is not necessary to do renal biopsy. If you want to get a diagnosis, please mail to or leave a message below.

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