Kidney Failure

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If Kidneys Become Small What Happen

2017-10-11 11:48| Font Size A A A

If Kidneys Become Small What Happen
The average length pole to pole of an adult human kidney is 10-13 cm (4 to 5 inches). If kidneys become small, what happen? Now go on reading to learn more information.

When kidneys become small, it means kidney tissues become scarred so that they can not function very well to maintain the normal function of your body. As a result, a series of symptoms will appear, for example, frequent urination, bloody urine, painful urination, fatigue, back pain, high blood pressure, painful urination, nausea and vomiting, itchy skin, anemia, etc.

Kidney shrinkage is often the result of external forces either starving the kidney of blood or directly damaging its internal structure. In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, systemic Chinese medicine treatment is often used to solve this problem. Here let’s have a look at Toxin-Removing Treatment.

Toxin-Removing Treatment takes advantage of various Chinese medicine therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Cycle Therapy, Steam Therapy and so on to discharge the waste products and excess fluid out of body, making internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. It can also dilate blood vessels to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow into kidneys to improve renal ischemia and anoxia. Besides, it can block blood clotting and remove stasis to make blood flow fluent so that enough essential elements such as nutrients, oxygen and active ingredients of medicine can go into kidneys to speed up kidney recovery. After a short period of treatment, those symptoms I referred just now will disappear. After a long period of treatment, the disease will be under control and the kidney size will recover gradually. But if your kidneys are very small, it is impossible to recover them. Therefore, early treatment is recommended.

If kidneys become small what happen? Symptoms and complications associated with kidney failure will appear. If you want to normalize your kidney size, you should take treatment as early as possible to improve renal ischemia and anoxia. For more information on kidney atrophy treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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