Kidney Failure

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How Can Kidney Failure Cause Edema

2019-04-05 17:32| Font Size A A A

How Can Kidney Failure Cause EdemaRenal edema is one of the typical symptoms in the early stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Because of body position and other factors, it mainly distributes in the lower limbs, ankles, eyelids and face, and even can cause systemic edema. How can kidney failure cause edema?

Causes of edema

1. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decreases, urine volume reduces, water and sodium retains in body.

The damage of kidney results in the decrease of glomerular filtration function and GFR. It is impossible to produce urine in time and exclude it from the body. The amount of urine decreases and the water in the body will increase. Excess sodium and water will accumulate in the interstitial space, forming interstitial fluid. Normally, the liquid in the interstitial space will be recycled into capillaries. However, because of too much accumulation, it can not be completely recycled, and will remain in the interstitial space, thus causing edema.

Tissue gap, we can understand as the "gap" between the epidermis and muscle. Therefore, when edema occurs, pitting will occur, and it can not recover, which is caused by the retention of sodium and water.

2. The ability of blood vessels to absorb interstitial fluids decreases when a large amount of protein leaks out.

Proteinuria is also a typical symptom of early kidney disease. Among them, massive proteinuria, high edema and hypoproteinemia are the three typical symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome. A large amount of protein loss leads to low plasma protein and hypoproteinemia. Protein absorbs water in the body. A large amount of protein leaks out of the body will lead to the increase of water in blood vessels. In order to maintain the balance of blood flow, excess water in blood will leak out into the blood vessels, and then cause facial and lower extremity edema.

How can kidney failure cause edema? Now you get the answer. Then how to eliminate edema thoroughly? Besides diuretics, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment. This is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment, which can help repair kidney damage and promote renal function. When kidney function gets improved, excessive fluid can be passed out of body naturally. For more information on this treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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