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Are Headaches Common in ESRD

2018-06-15 17:31| Font Size A A A

Are Headaches Common in ESRD
A number of ESRD patients complain about headaches. Are headache common in ESRD? In fact, this symptom reflects there is something wrong with your health. Now go on reading to lean more information.

Causes of headache for ESRD patients

-In ESRD, dialysis is a commonly used treatment to maintain your life. Though it can take over part of kidney function, it also brings you a series of side effects, one of which is headache. Some studies show that about 70% of dialysis patients have headaches. It is usually caused by dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, changes in arterial blood pressure, cerebral blood flow velocity, psychological factors, central venous stenosis, etc.

-If you do not have started dialysis yet, headaches may be associated with high blood pressure, high toxin concentration in the blood, etc.

Treatment to relieve headaches for ESRD patients

In China, there goes a saying that if you have smooth qi in body, you won’t ache, thereby your prime task it to adjust your Qi. There are many Chinese therapies to help you adjust Qi and relieve the headache, such as acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, etc.

But for ESRD patients, the main problem is the dialysis. In fact, as long as you still produce urine, it is possible for you to reduce dialysis frequency or even get rid of dialysis. Here we recommend you to try a systemic treatment, which is named Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification Therapy. It can cleanse the blood thoroughly, clear up blood stasis to make blood circulation fluent, and improve hemoglobin to make blood alive. In such a good blood environment, the damaged kidneys will quickly heal themselves and regain their ability.

After about one week’s treatment, your headache will disappear, and you will see a lot of sediments in the urine, which are those wastes being passed out. After about half month’s treatment, you will feel energetic, high creatinine, BUN and uric acid level will decrease. After about one month’s treatment, your illness condition will get under control, and renal function will get improved. With the promotion of renal function, you can reduce or even avoid dialysis.

Are headache common in ESRD? No, you had better do checkups to find out the cause and then treat it. If you have been fed up with dialysis, Toxin-Removing Treatment will be a good choice for you. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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