Nephrotic Syndrome

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Why Are Nephrotic Syndrome Patients More Prone to Thrombus

2018-10-08 15:30| Font Size A A A

Why Are Nephrotic Syndrome Patients More Prone to Thrombus
Thromboembolic complications can occur in 35% of Nephrotic Syndromes. The most common site of thrombosis is renal vein thrombosis, and lower extremity vein thrombosis is also common. A blood clot formed in the lower extremity vein may fall off and form an embolus during waking activity leading to pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is one of the most serious complications of nephrotic syndrome. If not dealt with timely, it can even threaten your life.

Why are Nephrotic Syndrome patients more prone to thrombus?

1. High blood lipid. Nephrotic Syndrome patients have much higher blood lipids than those with normal hyperlipidemia. High blood lipids lead to thick blood and are prone to thrombosis.

2. High blood coagulation. In patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, the loss of anticoagulants is so severe that the clotting factors dominate. In this case, the body will be in a high coagulation state, which is especially prone to thrombosis.

Therefore, in the early stage of renal damage, nephrotic syndrome patients should pay attention to anticoagulation treatment.

1. Routine use of antiplatelet agents: dipyridamole, aspirin and clopidogrel, etc. Aspirin or dipyridamole are recommended for safety, effectiveness and low cost.

2. Low molecular heparin not only has anticoagulation effect, but also has the effect of anti-inflammation and inhibiting the proliferation of mesangial cells. It can be stopped when plasma albumin >20g/L. In addition, anticoagulants can be supplemented with antiplatelet agents.

3. The most effective treatment for nephrotic syndrome, especially membranous nephropathy, is glucocorticoid. Although glucocorticoid may aggravate the tendency of coagulation, the use of glucocorticoid while anticoagulation can inhibit the autoimmunity, reduce the leakage of proteins, and restore the balance of the coagulation mechanism as soon as possible.

4. Kidney patients should also pay attention to their diet, adhere to a reasonable amount of high-quality protein intake, reduce the high-fat and high-oil diet while ensuring calories, and appropriately increase the diet rich in fiber and vitamins.

5. To avoid long-term bed rest, exercise and correct hypoalbuminemia in time to ensure effective blood circulation perfusion.

Nephrotic Syndrome patients are prone to thrombus. Now you know the reason. For more information on Nephrotic Syndrome treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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