Nephrotic Syndrome

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Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome with Creatinine 5.5

2018-07-18 11:36| Font Size A A A

Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome with Creatinine 5.5
My 15 year old child is suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome since 1 year age. Since last 12 months, his creatinine is going high, which at present is 5.5. Please suggest treatment.

Answer: Creatinine 5.5 is obviously much higher for a 15 year old child. It means his kidneys are severely damaged. Without effective treatment, he has to start dialysis to maintain his life and meanwhile wait for kidney transplant. Your child is still young. If you do not want him to live on dialysis in his rest life, you should take him for treatment as early as possible.

Since he has been with Nephrotic Syndrome for 14 years, he must have tried a lot of treatment. But the treatment is not effective enough to control the disease well. Therefore, I suggest him to try alternatives.

Toxin-Removing Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome to lower creatinine 5.5

Creatinine is a kind of waste product in blood. When its level is high, it means blood toxin concentration is also high. Those wastes do not only cause direct damage to kidneys, but also pollute blood to cause indirect kidney damage. What is worse, they counteract the effect of medications to restrain patient from recovery. Therefore, it is urgent to cleanse the blood and make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application.

Toxin-Removing Treatment is a systemic treatment, which includes 9 therapies.

1. Double plasma exchange therapy

2. Chinese medicine detoxification therapy (oral Chinese medicine)

3. Chinese medicine for activating blood circulation (external therapies)

4. Cell (autoimmune cell) infusion therapy

5. Cytokine infusion therapy

6. Negative oxygen ion therapy

7. Ozone Therapy

8. Micronutrient and vitamin supplements

9. Good living habit

Those therapies can work together to eliminate creatinine, urea, uric acid and other waste products from body. They can also clear up stasis and improve blood circulation to improve renal ischemia and anoxia. And they can relieve renal inflammation to control the disease from getting worse. Moreover, they can provide the damaged kidneys with enough essential elements to speed up kidney recovery, and help you develop good living habits to reinforce the effect and prevent the disease getting relapse.

Effect of Toxin-Removing Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

After about one week’s treatment, edema will disappear.

After about half month’s treatment, creatinine level will decrease at least 10%. And proteinuria will reduce or even turn negative.

After about one month’s treatment, his Nephrotic Syndrome will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

With treatment going on, the disease will be stabilized so as to help your son reduce relapse.

For Nephrotic Syndrome patients, to lower creatinine 5.5, dialysis is not the only treatment. If you would like to know more alternatives, please leave a message below or contact online doctor. Our renal experts will give you personalized guidance for free.

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