Nephrotic Syndrome

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Principles of Steroid Therapy in Nephrotic Syndrome

2019-04-26 17:36| Font Size A A A

Principles of Steroid Therapy in Nephrotic SyndromeDo you know the principles of steroid therapy in Nephrotic Syndrome? If not, you can read this article to have a general knowledge.

Glucocorticoids (hereinafter referred to as steroids) are commonly used in Nephrotic Syndrome, mainly for their anti-inflammatory effects. It can alleviate the exudation of acute inflammation, stabilize lysosome membrane, reduce the deposition of fibrin, decrease capillary permeability and urinary protein leakage. In addition, it can inhibit the proliferation reaction in chronic inflammation, reduce the activity of fibroblasts, and relieve the fibrosis caused by tissue repair.

The response to glucocorticoid depends largely on the pathological type of disease, and the curative effect of minimal change disease is the most rapid and positive. The general principles and schemes are as follows:

(1) Adequate dosage in the beginning: prednisone is commonly used for 8 weeks, which can be extended to 12 weeks if necessary;

(2) Slow reduction: 10% of the original dosage of prednisone is reduced every 2-3 weeks after adequate treatment, and symptoms are easy to recur when reduced to about 20 mg/d, which should be reduced more slowly;

(3) Long-term maintenance: lastly, the minimum effective dosage is maintained for several months to half a year. Steroids can be taken in full daily doses or at intervals of two days during the maintenance period to alleviate the side effects of steroids. When edema is serious, liver function is damaged or prednisone is not effective, it can be replaced by oral prednisolone or intravenous drip.

According to the response of patients to glucocorticoid therapy, they can be divided into three types: steroid-sensitive type (NS gets remission within 8-12 weeks), steroid-dependent type (relapse when steroid is reduced to a certain extent) and steroid-resistant type (steroid therapy is ineffective), and their further treatment is different.

Long-term use of steroids can cause infection, drug-induced diabetes, osteoporosis and other side effects, and a small number of cases may also occur aseptic avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

If you can not achieve a satisfying effect with steroid therapy, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment.

This is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment. It can help you eliminate swelling, make proteinuria turn negative, and prevent Nephrotic Syndrome getting relapse. Generally speaking, after about one month’s treatment, you will see obvious therapeutic effect.

Now you know the principles of steroid therapy in Nephrotic Syndrome. If you can not have a satisfying effect with such a treatment, you can try the above Toxin-Removing Treatment. For more information on our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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