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Dialysis is a renal replacement therapy which can help filter our blood and remove the excessive water and waste products. Our kidneys do this naturally. However, when kidneys are failed, they cannot work well and the patients will need dialysis.


When dialysis is necessary?

Dialysis is suggested when people suffer from Kidney Failure, when you may only have 15% or even less kidney functions and your GFR is usually <15. However, not everyone with kidney failure will be recommended with Dialysis. Your doctor needs to make a full elevation to know whether you need dialysis or not. You can email your medical condition to and get a free elevation from our dialysis experts.

What does the dialysis do?

When your kidneys cannot work well, dialysis will help your body in balance by:

- remove waste products, extra salt, potassium, excessive water etc to prevent them building up in your body.

- keep the chemicals in your blood, such as potassium, sodium etc, in a safe level.

- control your blood pressure

How does dialysis work?

Dialysis uses a special fluid that contains a mixture of pure water and chemicals to carefully pull waste and excessive water out of your blood without removing substances in the body needs.

Are there different types of dialysis?


There are mainly two types of dialysis, namely hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). Let's take a closer look below to see the two different treatments. PD uses your peritoneal membrane to naturally filter fluid and waste from the blood. HD works with the help of a filter outside your body, which is known as dialyzer. With the help from the dialysis machine, blood flows from the body and run into the filter. The filter will help remove the waste and excessive water from your blood and help your cleaned blood flow back into your body.

Different patients require different types of dialysis, which is associated with your personalized medical conditions. If you can send your basis info, such as your age, gender, weight, and your detailed medical conditions to . We are glad to find you the dialysis that matches your condition.

Does dialysis hurt?

Dialysis itself is painless. However, in some cases, patients may feel discomforts during dialysis. When it happens, please tell your care-giver who can help your release your pain.

Is dialysis okay for me?

Dialysis shows great effects in removing the waste products in blood for patients with kidney damage. However, only dialysis may be not enough to keep your blood clean.

Experts found that more than 90 kinds of toxins exist in kidney failure patients. However, dialysis only can remove the small sized toxins, such as creatinine, BUN etc. As for the middle sized and large sized toxins, you may need to require the help of Blood Purification, which is a treatment group that can filter out all kinds of toxins in the blood.

How long can you live with dialysis?

We do not yet know the exact answer of the life expectancy of dialysis patients. According to a study, the average lifespan of dialysis is 4.25 years and about 23% of dialysis patient can live for 10 years. Some quiz can help find a rough answer of how long dialysis patients can live. If you have a interest, you can leave a message below and we are glad to reply you our specific quiz.

Can dialysis patients continue to work?

The answer differs from person to person. But many patients can continue to work after dialysis. If your job is physical labor, you are suggested to change your job.

What's My Next Step?

Ready for the next step? Learn more about treatment options for kidney disease symptoms.

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