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Can Dialysis Improve Kidney Function

2013-09-17 16:01| Font Size A A A

Can Dialysis Improve Kidney FunctionAs we all know that kidney plays an important role of maintaining health. The healthy kidney acts as a blood cleaner that helps our body remove the metabolic waste and toxins away and at the same time keep fluid and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance. When kidney is damaged, these abilities will be decreased thus need an outer force instead to do these jobs. Dialysis is suggested by many hospitals. Dialysis is indeed helpful to alleviate symptoms caused by kidney disease, but can dialysis improve kidney function?


Dialysis functions as an artificial kidney which helps discharge the wastes and toxins out of your body. But dialysis is not available for all patients with kidney disease such as those people who are above 70 years old or below 4 years old and those who have cerebrovascular disease are not suggested to dialysis. What’s more, dialysis will bring many side-effects such as nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, arrhythmia and muscle spasm,etc. Dialysis is expensive and not all family can afford this spending.

Dialysis is necessary for patients with kidney failure or end-stage renal disease because only 15% or less kidney function is preserved at this stage and it have no ability to keep health. What you should know is that dialysis is just a supplementary method not a curable method, it cannot improve kidney function.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Since dialysis cannot improve kidney function and no other suitable method is very effective to kidney disease, doctors have made researches on treatment for kidney disease. Fortunately, there is a therapy that has been proved effective in treating kidney disease, called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is a Chinese therapy which is different from the traditional one. It is an external therapy instead of oral medicine. With it you can also avoid discomfort that other surgeries have. It improves kidney function through such effects as dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation,etc. It takes effect directly on the kidney lesions. It can gradually rebuild kidney structure and then improve kidney functions.

Only dialysis cannot improve kidney function, so you are suggested to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy into consideration if you want improve kidney function. For the follow up information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, you can send an email to renal-disease@hotmail.com, the expert will reply in 24 hours!

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