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Why Beef Is Prohibited for FSGS Patients

2018-06-25 14:52| Font Size A A A

Why Beef Is Prohibited for FSGS Patients
When you are diagnosed with FSGS, your doctors may tell you not to eat beef and some other foods. Why beef is prohibited for FSGS patients? Go on reading to learn more information.

Beef is red meat. It may increase your creatinine level further.

When your kidney damage is over 50%, creatinine level will increase quickly. Beef is red meat, which is high in creatine. Creatine can be broken into creatinine so as to make your creatinine level higher.

Beef is high in protein. It may speed up glomerulosclerosis.

Massive proteinuria is a typical symptom of FSGS. When you consume too much beef, more protein will go into body. Because of the leaky kidneys, more protein will go out. It can make the kidney condition worse.

Beef intake may make your azotemia worse.

Protein is also a great source of urea. When you eat a lot of beef, your urea level will increase as well.


Our body needs protein to maintain the normal function of body. To prohibit beef does not mean you can not consume any protein. Here we recommend you to take high quality protein, such as egg white, fish, milk, white meat, etc. Remember that too much is as bad as too little. Besides, diet is just a small part of treatment. If you really want to treat FSGS well, apart from diet, you need to follow a correct medical treatment. In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we usually use Toxin-Removing Treatment, also known as Detoxification. This treatment can set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing and other medication application. After about one week’s treatment, swelling will vanish. After about half month’s treatment, proteinuria will decrease or even turn negative. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be under control, and renal function will get improved.

Why beef is prohibited for FSGS patients? Now you get the answer. If you still have any other questions on FSGS healthy living and treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor. You can also send a copy of your lab report to renal-disease@hotmail.com, and then our renal experts can help you analyze it and give you personalized guidance.

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