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Vitamin Supplements that Be Beneficial to Take for FSGS Patients

2017-08-26 15:34| Font Size A A A

Vitamin Supplements that Be Beneficial to Take for FSGS Patients
Hello. I've just been trying to research FSGS. Do you know if there are any vitamin supplements that would be beneficial to take while having this condition?

Answer: What vitamin supplements you need depends on your medical condition. Please remember that too much is as bad as too little. Now you can send me a copy of your medical test report to renal-disease@hotmail.com. After analyzing your case, I will tell the exact vitamin supplements you need. Here I just give you a general introduction to some of them that most renal patients are deficiency.

-Vitamin C

Vitamin C can help boost immune system to reduce your chance of infections. It can also help improve iron absorption so as to relieve anemia, which is a common complication of kidney disease.

-Vitamin D

The damaged kidneys can not activate vitamin D to help absorb calcium, so kidney patients are easy to get bone disease. In such a case, vitamin D is often used by kidney patients.

-Mai Kang Mixture

It has 6 kinds of vitamins. Besides, it has 16 amino acids, 10 trace elements, various active enzymes, black fungus polysaccharides, chrysanthemum, etc. All these components are good for your medical condition. For example, it can counteract the side effects of steroids, like high blood sugar level, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and bone disease. Besides, it can provide the essential elements for kidney self-healing. As a matter as fact, it is just an adjuvant treatment. In our hospital, Mai Kang Mixture is often used together with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Navel Therapy, etc. The combined treatment can help expel waste products and excess fluid out of body, improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys as well as regulating the abnormal immune system so as to set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing and other medication application. After a period of treatment, swelling will disappear, and proteinuria will turn negative. Because the damaged kidneys have healed themselves, your disease won’t relapse as frequent as before.

Now you have a general knowledge about the vitamin supplements that be beneficial to take for FSGS patients. If you still have any doubt, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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