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FSGS in End Stage Kidney Disease: If Beets Will Help with My Condition

2016-01-26 10:20| Font Size A A A

FSGS in End Stage Kidney Disease: If Beets Will Help with My ConditionWhen speaking of beet, many people do not feel strange to it. It indeed has abundant nutrients for humans’ health. However, will beets help with the condition If I have FSGS in End Stage Renal Disease? Now, let’s have a look.

In kidney failure stage, most FSGS patients are required to receive alternative treatments, such as dialysis and kidney transplant. In order to reduce kidneys’ workload, patients usually need to have kidney-friendly diets. Beets is fortunately on the renal diet.

1. Help control blood pressure

High Blood Pressure is a common complication of kidney disease. It does not only cause further damage to kidneys, but also increase your risk of heart failure. One study showed that beets or beetroot juice is helpful to lower high blood pressure.

2. Manage blood sugar level

Diabetes is a leading cause of renal failure. Alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant in beets, has been shown to lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress changes so as to help you fight against diabetes.

3. Remove body wastes

Beets are a wonderful tonic for the liver and kidneys, which works as a purifier for the blood.

Through the above analysis, we can see that beets can help FSGS patients ease some symptoms or control some complications, it is not enough to help repair kidney damage and improve renal function.

Therefore, it is important to receive alternative treatments as soon as possible.

Actually, you can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy if you still have urine output more or less. On the one hand, the active ingredients in the treatment can help dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, fight against inflammation, degrade extracellular matrix, etc, which will provide a good blood environment for improving renal function; on the other hand, immune system also will be strengthened from the root.

If you are interested in learning more details, you can email to us at renal-disease@hotmail.com or add my Whatsapp 8615226572289! And we are glad to help you!

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