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Special Diet for FSGS with High Creatinine Level

2017-11-18 09:16| Font Size A A A

Special Diet for FSGS with High Creatinine Level
FSGS is considered to be an autoimmune kidney disease. Kidney damage always accompanied by high creatinine level. Special diet is necessary for FSGS patients to decrease high creatinine level and slow down the progression of the disease. The followings are the suggested diet plan.

You are suggested to eat:

Low-protein foods. Protein will break down into a waste product, called urea nitrogen, which should be filtered out by kidneys. High-protein foods will make more waste products. You should take high-quality protein instead of high-protein foods. The high-quality protein foods include egg white, chicken, fish and milk.

Low-sodium foods. If you are attacked by swelling and high blood pressure, you should take low-sodium foods for not to increase swelling and high blood pressure.

High-vitamin foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are considered to be the rich source of vitamin. They can not only replenish the substance you lack, but also can improve your immunity.

You are not suggested to eat:

Irritant foods, such as pepper, coffee, chocolate, sea foods and so on.

Canned foods. They are packed with high sodium and additives, which are harmful to the overall health.

Liquor and cigarette. They will further damage kidneys and increase high creatinine level.

High potassium foods, which is a silent killer for kidney disease patients. They will increase the risk of heart disease.

Of course, everyone owns a special diet due to different medical conditions. You can send your email to renal-disease@hotmail.com for a special diet for yourself.

Only diet can not well treat FSGS with high creatinine level. You need specific treatment. You can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can improve your kidney function. For detailed information about this therapy, you can ask the online doctor!

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