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FSGS: The Healthy Diet for Christmas

2013-12-10 00:17| Font Size A A A

FSGS: The Healthy Diet for ChristmasChristmas is coming! Everyone is looking forward to this big festival. On this day, families will get together and children will receive presents. Normally, people will throw a dinner party to celebrate. You must too impatient to wait that party, right? But be attention, patients with FSGS cannot eat without limitations. Here is the suggested healthy diet for Christmas for patients with FSGS.

Low-protein diet.

For good of your kidneys, you have to eat a low-protein diet. Your kidneys have already been damaged because of FSGS. So the glomerular filtration rate is decreased. Protein will break down into waste products, such as urea nitrogen. This waste product should be filtered out by the kidneys. If you take too much protein, you will put much strain to kidneys. But you can be at ease because you can eat turkey, which is the traditional food for Christmas. This is because turkey is high-quality protein food, which is good for patients with FSGS.

Low-salt diet.

You can not eat too much salt on Christmas dinner. Salt is rich in sodium, of which high level will increase the risk of swelling and high blood pressure. Besides, you’d better cook at home by yourself for you can control the amount of salt. Some families would like to go to a restaurant to celebrate. But the restaurant foods are often with high salt. Eating at home will be a heartwarming thing!

High-vitamin diet.

You can provide your family and yourself some fresh fruits and vegetables for they are abundant in vitamins, which is good for your health. Moreover, some fruits and vegetables are good for digestion.

If you are patients with FSGS, you should pay more attention to your diet, especially on Christmas day. You can have a great festival as long as you keep these tips in mind. Do you have some follow-up questions about the diet for Christmas? If you have, you can contact me by sending me an email to renal-disease@hotmail.com, I will give you a reply in 24 hours.

Finally, Merry Christmas in advance!

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