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Immune System Symptoms in FSGS

2014-10-03 12:16| Font Size A A A

Immune System Symptoms in FSGSFSGS, short for Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis, is an autoimmune disease characterized by scared glomerular. Along with progression and deterioration of illness condition, this kind of kidney disease is easy to progress into kidney failure. And it will also induce many systems’ disorders. Well then, what are the immune system symptoms?

As we all know, the immune system is composed of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs. The job of the immune system is to defend the body against infections and other intruders. Therefore, a good immune system will lay a solid foundation to our overall health.

For FSGS patients, they are prone to suffer from low immunity due to decline of renal function and continuous kidney damage. Once patients are in the low immune system status, they will become more and more weak. The symptoms may include the following contents.

1. Infection

The most common symptom is the infection which can appear on urinary tract, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and so on. Because the damaged immune system is unable to fight against the bacteria and virus effectively.

2. Asthma

It is a chronic inflammatory of disorder of the airways characterized by coughing, shortness of breath and chest tightness.

3. Cold or flu or fever

Since patients’ immune systems are damaged by the FSGS, patients’ immunity will be in low status and patients are likely to invaded by cold or flu or fever, which can cause further kidney damage.

4. Rash skin

It is also a common immune system problems and make patients difficulty in falling asleep.

The above are the common immune system symptom in FSGS. Well then, how to deal with these symptoms?

Some treatment like diuretics, ACEIs, or ARBs is used to control the symptoms associated with the disease as well as slow down the progression of the disease, but it is not a primary treatment option. In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, China, we strongly recommend natural therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Immunotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy and so on. If you want to learn them in details, please feel free to contact our doctors online or email to renal-disease@hotmail.com and we will try our best to help you.

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