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What Does BUN 40 Mean in FSGS

2015-06-13 17:55| Font Size A A A

What Does BUN 40 Mean in FSGSBUN level 40 is much higher than the normal range which should draw your attention. But some patients do not know what does BUN 40 mean in FSGS? Now, let’s see.

The mean of high BUN 40.

FSGS is characterized by glomeruli damage which accompanies with many featured symptoms such as massive proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, hypoalbuminemia and edema. Of course, along with progression of illness condition, patients also will suffer from other symptoms like High Creatinine Level, high BUN level, high blood pressure and so on. Blood urea nitrogen, or BUN, is the waste by-product of metabolized protein. Normally, the healthy kidenys filter the BUN by-product out of your body through urine. High BUN Level generally indicate that your kidneys are not functioning properly or you may have underlying health problems related to your cardiovascular system. and the normal BUN level is 7-20 mg/dL of urea. If your BUN is more than 20, your kidneys may not be working at full strength. Now the BUN level is 40, it means very severe kidney damage.

The Treatment for BUN 40

You should cleanse the waste from the blood and set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Mai Kang and medicated soup are a very effective set of treatment. They can dilate blood vessels, remove stasis and speed up the blood circulation to increase the blood flow into the kidneys, which can help the elimination of IgA and its immune complexes from the kidneys. Besides, they can draw out toxins from the blood to reduce the workload of kidneys and prevent the extracellular matrix from degrading so as to stop kidney fibrosis. With systemic treatment, your disease can be under control and then you can live without dialysis and kidney transplant.

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