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Treatments for FSGS Patients with Itching

2015-05-04 17:26| Font Size A A A

Treatments for FSGS Patients with ItchingItching skin is the common symptom for patients with FSGS, which drives patients crazy. Well then, is there any good treatment can deal with the symptom?

To know the root treatments, it is important to learn the underlying causes of itching skin.

FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) refers to a glomeruli damage. With the development of illness condition, it can not only decrease renal function but also can affect the whole body health, like skin. Generally speaking, itching skin is because that the toxin in your body is already damaged to your skin. Especially when FSGS develops into Kidney Failure, the skin problems can be more obvious. Kidney Failure may cause electrolyte metabolic disorders, in that case, calcium will deposit on skin, which leads to hyperparathyroidism. In recent years, it is reported that stubborn itchy skin will be relieved quickly after the removal of parathyroid gland. To treat itching skin is to remove out the toxin and to remove out the toxin is to repair kidney function.

Well then, what treatments can you take now?

In our Treatment center point, the following treatment can be your new choice rather than dialysis. Compared with dialysis, blood purification can cleanse patients’ blood more thoroughly, because it uses various methods. Plasma exchange, immune adsorption, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, CRRT, etc, is used selectively according to patients’ individual condition. With a cleaner internal environment, patients can live without less complications and their kidney function can be preserved.

In addition, a natural treatment come from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has shown significant therapeutic effects. It can help patients eliminate toxins in the body through an external and safe way and improve kidney function by the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, improve blood circulation, removing immune complexes out of body, promoting DNA replication of damaged inherent cells and offering kidneys nutrients. Itchy skin will be naturally relieved with the recovery of kidney function and elimination of wastes and toxins in the blood.

Any questions, you can email to renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below directly.

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