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What Are the Signs of Kidney Failure for A FSGS Patient

2015-09-29 10:07| Font Size A A A

What Are the Signs of Kidney Failure for A FSGS PatientFSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) is a immune and progressive disease. Without well controlled, many patients will develop into Kidney Failure eventually. Well then, what are the signs of renal failure for these patients? Now, let’s learn!

Actually, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is a common primary glomeruli disease, just like other types of Chronic Kidney Disease, GFR (glomeruli filtration rate) divides FSGS into five stages. Stage 5 FSGS indicates patients have entered into kidney failure stage because kidneys are only functioning at 15% or even less. In the stage, more than 85% of renal function has been damaged, so previous symptoms may become more and more serious. What’s more, some complications also appear among patients with advanced kidney damage.

1. Massive proteinuria

Proteinuria usually indicates protein leakage in the urine that is caused by damaged glomeruli. In stage 5, most of glomeruli have been damaged severely, then protein will pass through the increased holes of glomeruli, forming proteinuria. It may induce more conditions like malnutrition, Swelling, and further kidney damage.

2. High Blood Pressure

As extra fluid and sodium in the body and kidney function declines severely, blood pressure will increase. High blood pressure or hypertension is one dangerous risk for patients with Stage 5 FSGS, because it can trigger cardiovascular disease and brain system disorders.

3. High Creatinine Level

Generally, high creatinine level won’t increase until 50% renal function has been damaged. Inrenal failure stage, patients are prone to suffer form extremely high creatinine level, so that Dialysis is required to cleanse polluted blood.

4. Renal anemia

When kidneys can’t male enough EPO, lack of red blood cells lead to renal anemia easily. Meanwhile, patients may suffer from fatigue, weakness and pale skin and so on.

Besides, some other symptoms like itchy skin, muscle cramp, sleep problems, breath disease, vomiting, poor appetite also may affect patient’s whole body health. If you are suffering from one or more symptoms the above mentioned, feel free to contact us: renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message in the form below.

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