Kidney Failure

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What Are Tips for New Kidney Failure Patients to Protect Kidney

2014-10-26 14:31| Font Size A A A

What Are Tips for New Kidney Failure Patients to Protect KidneyKidney Failure refers that the one or both kidneys fail to work properly and in recent years, the morbidity of this kidney disease has increased significantly. Well then, for a new kidney failure patient, how to protect the renal function by himself?

If you were a kidney disease patient, you should be familiar with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) which is an indicator to reflect how much you have renal function. According to GFR, Chronic Kidney Failure is divided into five stages. The lower GFR is, the more advanced the kidney damage will be. Therefore, we must do something to reverse illness condition when the illness condition is not serious.

Then, how to do?

If you were a new kidney failure patient, the fist thing is that you should keep calm and contact a kidney expert to confirm illness condition. You need to do some tests (urine test, blood test, kidney biopsy, etc) and you should monitor blood pressure and blood sugar regularly. If kidney failure are diagnosed, the following things you should master so as to protect your kidneys from further kidney damage.

1. Lose any excess weight and exercise regularly in order to strengthen immune system and fight against the “invader” like bacteria, cold, infection and so on.

2. Drink water normally and when you feel you want, unless you’ve been advised to limit by your doctor or dietitian. Water can increase the urine output which can help kidney discharge more wastes timely. What you should pay attention to is that you should limit fluid intake if you suffer from swelling.

3. Take daily probiotics. This good bacteria helps your kidneys process waste materials and contribute to the overall digestive health.

4. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Proper protein intake, low-sodium ingestion, and high vitamins supplement should be guarantee. Other requirements should be designed on the basis of personalized illness condition.

5. Stopping smoking and drinking. It will help you rebuild a good internal environment of the body so as to protect renal function.

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