Kidney Failure

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3 Factors Accelerate Kidney Failure

2019-04-29 15:18| Font Size A A A

3 Factors Accelerate Kidney FailureWhat factors affect the progression rate of renal failure? Can we prevent it in advance?

This problem has always attracted the attention of patients. If the adverse factors affecting renal function can be eliminated in advance and a better living environment can be created for the kidney, the incidence of renal failure can be greatly reduced, and even the arrival of uremia can be prevented.

Among the many factors affecting the progress of renal disease, three of them play a leading role. In order to avoid renal failure coming too fast, kidney patients should grasp it as soon as possible. If your condition is always unstable, it may also be caused by these three factors. Now go on reading to learn more information.

1. Poor pathological type

At present, there are dozens of common pathological types of chronic kidney disease (CKD), such as chronic glomerulonephritis, IgA nephritis, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), minimal change disease, obese nephropathy, gouty nephropathy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertensive Nephropathy, Purpura Nephritis, Lupus Nephritis and so on.

Some of these kidney diseases have a rapid progression, such as diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy. Because those patients have symptoms of diabetes and hypertension, in addition to the treatment of nephropathy, they also need to carry out the treatment of controlling blood sugar and blood pressure, and prevention of many complications. If comprehensive treatment is not available, the protection of renal function is poor, and the incidence of renal failure is higher.

Pathological types can not be selected by patients, but active treatment can slow down the rhythm of renal failure, and the key point is to have comprehensive treatment, which is more effective.

2. Low immunity

Kidney disease is an immune disease. After renal function is impaired, it will lead to immune metabolic disorder. That is why most kidney patients will have low immunity. Low immunity results in frequent renal inflammation, damage of kidney cells and acceleration of renal fibrosis. In addition, during the treatment period, most patients will use steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, which will also reduce immunity.

Some living habits, such as staying up late, overworking, smoking and so on, also affect immunity. Low immunity will lead to more infections and other diseases, which is not conducive to the alleviation of proteinuria, edema and other symptoms, and then will have a negative impact on renal function.

3. Improper medication

Drug-induced renal injury is also one of the important reasons for accelerating renal failure. Most drugs need to be absorbed by liver and kidney after they are taken. For patients with renal insufficiency, metabolic function decreases. Therefore, dosage and drug properties must be paid attention to when taking. Some medicines, such as antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, contrast agents, and some Chinese herbal medicines containing aristolochic acid, have certain renal toxicity, so it is better not to take these medicines, but if you have to take the medicines, you must strictly follow the doctor's advice and not use them in large quantities.

Now you know the three indicators that accelerate kidney failure. Hope you can avoid them in the daily and take treatment actively. Here we recommend you to try Toxin-Removing Treatment that can repair kidney damage and promote renal function. If you are interested in it, you can leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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