Kidney Failure

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Can Kidney Failure Happen Suddenly

2014-11-10 10:23| Font Size A A A

Can Kidney Failure Happen SuddenlyKidney Failure is a non-specific term for a decrease in the function of your kidneys. Can kidney failure happen suddenly? To be frank, the disorder can be divided into the Chronic Kidney Failure and Acute Kidney Failure as well.

As the above mentioned, we can see that kidney failure can happen suddenly. Namely, Acute Kidney Failure. It occurs when the kidneys suddenly stop filtering waste products from the blood. And the condition is common in patients who are already in the hospital. And it may develop rapidly over a few hours. Actually, acute kidney failure can be caused by many factors, like acute tubular necrosis, autoimmune kidney disease, urinary tract obstruction ad so on. In addition, chances of acquiring acute renal failure are greater if you are elderly or have the following long-term health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, kidney disease or liver disease and so on. In the condition, patients may suffer from the oliguria or even anuria. The disease can be fatal and requires intensive treatment. However, it may be reversible. If you are in good health otherwise, recovery is possible.

Well then, what are the intensive treatment for reverse acute renal failure?

If the illness condition is very severe, dialysis might be needed. It can help kidney discharge extra wastes and toxins from the blood. It involves diverting blood out of your body into a machine that filters out waste then clean blood is then returned to your body.

Franking speaking, treatment should depend on the causes of your acute kidney failure. The goal is to restore normal kidney function. To reach the goal, in our Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, we do recommend natural remedy called Hot Compress Therapy. It is an external application of Chinese herbal medicines. And the therapy help patients avoid the bitter taste of herbal medicines. And after a period of treatment, the injured kidney cells and tissues can be repaired and the remaining kidney function can be protected. On the basis of the treatment, if you use the Mai-kang composition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and so on. More detailed info, please mail us to or leave a message below directly and we will do what we can help you.

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