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How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis

2015-08-08 11:14| Font Size A A A

How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without DialysisESRD (end stage renal disease) is the most advanced stage of kidney disease so that dialysis begin dialysis for sustaining their life. However, there are still some patients with ESRD to live by their own kidneys and they may want to know how long they can live without dialysis?

End stage renal disease is also know as Kidney Failure, which indicates kidneys have been damaged seriously and cannot help to maintain one’s life any more. Since kidneys help to discharge wastes, so ESRD is always accompanied by high levels of toxins in the blood. In that case, dialysis us usually adopted to remove these toxins out of the blood. Without dialysis, toxins circulate with blood and they may damage any of our internal organs. Therefore, dialysis plays an extremely important part for people with completely damaged kidneys.

Well then, how long can a patient with ESRD without dialysis?

To be honest, there is no certain answer for the question, because the answer changes from person to person. Some patients can live extra 5 years or 10 years, while some other may live only 1-2 years. Why? That’s due to different illness conditions like age, kidney damage degree, symptoms, complications and so on. As a matter of fact, although dialysis helps to prolong patients’ life span, it is not a long-term solution. Because it helps to purify blood, but cannot repair damaged kidneys.

Is there any other alternative treatment to dialysis?

In Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, China, we do use natural treatments from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medical technology. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Blood Pollution Therapy can be your new options. If you want to know whether you can use the treatment or not, please leave a message below or email to us at Please trust us and we can help you improve renal function effectively.

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