Kidney Failure

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Nearly 80,000 People A Year Use this Drug to Cause Kidney Failure

2018-08-24 14:40| Font Size A A A

Nearly 80,000 People A Year Use this Drug to Cause Kidney Failure
Every year cases of renal failure and uremia caused by improper use of drugs with renal toxicity are reported. According to statistics, 20%-34% of patients with acute renal failure in China are caused by nephrotoxic drugs. It can be seen that drug-induced kidney damage is one of the important causes of renal failure.

Antibiotics are one of the drugs with nephrotoxicity, and nearly 80,000 patients a year suffer from life-threatening kidney disease as a result of taking antibiotics.

Antibiotics are known to kill bacteria, but little is known about other effects, including side effects, leading some people to misunderstand the use.

As reported earlier, a 44-year-old man was admitted to hospital for an acute pancreatitis attack and took antibiotics for nearly a month to avoid infection, which eventually led to severe kidney failure to threaten his life.

Which antibiotics have nephrotoxicity? How to identify?

Among the commonly used antibiotics, these 7 types are the most common:

-Cephalosporins such as cefradine, cefdianil, ceftriaxone, etc.

-Penicillin drugs such as amoxicillin, ampicillin, piperacillin, melocillin, etc.

-Tetracycline antibiotics such as tetracycline, metacycline, oxytetracycline, dimethycline, etc.

-Floxacin antibiotics such as ofloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, etc.

-Sulfamines such as sulfadiazine, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfamethilon, etc.

-Carbapenems such as imipenem, meropenem and panitenem etc.

-In addition, the name of the antibiotic drugs with -mycin, such as erythromycin, azithromycin, clindamycin, roxithromycin.

How to use to avoid nephrotoxicity?

Nephrotoxicity after taking is caused by two reasons: one is that taking large doses of antibiotics in spite of doctors' advice. Antibiotics themselves have nephrotoxicity, which will damage renal function so as to slow down the drug toxicity metabolism. As a result, kidney damage will be worse. Excessive use of antibiotics leads to the development of patience bacteria, which cannot be treated with other drugs, and is a serious threat to life. The second is for children, whose organs are not fully developed, the medicine cannot be metabolized in time after taking, leading to damage. Therefore, it is recommended that children patients should avoid using such drugs.

Therefore, to avoid damage to the kidney, the first thing to do is to take the medicine strictly according to the doctor's instructions. Do not use too many medicines selfishly when they are useful. Try not to use it or use it in small doses for children, as do older adults.

As the saying goes, all medicines have 30% toxicity. If you can use them correct, they can play a good role. If you can not, its disadvantages will be more than advantages. For more information on kidney failure treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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