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Is Baking Soda Good for Kidney Disease Patients

2015-03-18 16:12| Font Size A A A

Is Baking Soda Good for Kidney Disease PatientsBaking soda is a minimally abrasive “green” cleaning agent that can be used to scrub everything from sinks and dishes to fruits and vegetables. In addition to these applications, it has have several medicinal uses. Well then, is basking soda good for kidney disease patients?

1. Relieve metabolic acidosis

Metabolic acidosis is commonly associated with chronic kidney disease. In people who have chronic kidney disease, which is most often caused by diabetes or hypertension, poorly functioning kidneys have a hard time removing acid from the body. Baking soda can help you to titrate your blood pH from acidosis to be more alkali so as to prevent metabolic acidosis.

2. Prevent gout

Gout is the common complication of kidney disease. It results from too much uric acid building up in the blood and depositing the joints. Drinking baking soda water can regulate the body’s pH level and combat uric acid formation so as to prevent gout.

3. Aid digestion

Indigestion is also the complication of kidney failure. A more cost-effective way to relieve occasional heartburn and indigestion is to stir half a teaspoon of baking soda into half a cup of water and drink it an hour or two after meals.

4. Relieve urinary tract infection

Because of poor immune system, kidney disease patients easily get infections such as urinary tract infections. Drinking baking soda blended in water can help the body overcome the infection by reducing the acid in urine so as to relive UTIs.

Through the above analysis, we can see that baking soda indeed has many healthy benefits for kidney disease patients. But what I want to empress somethings. When it is in the stage of kidney failure, we will have acidosis and then the baking soda will help. If you are not in the state of kidney failure, you do not need to take baking soda. Therefore, to know whether baking soda is good for you or not, you’d better to contact our Online Doctor directly or email to

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