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Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Bread

2016-02-06 11:43| Font Size A A A

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat BreadBread is a popular food around all over the world, while for patients with kidney failure, they should pay more attention to the breads’ types and nutrients’ ingredients because they have many dietary restrictions due to severe kidney damage.

When your kidney damage progresses into Kidney Failure stage, it will tell that your kidneys are diseased severely. They cannot function well enough to remove extra wastes, toxins as well as extra fluid from the body. For example, kidneys are unable to filter excessive phosphorus, causing high phosphorus levels. As most phosphorus resources is from foods, kidney disease patients need to take a low-phosphorus diet to reduce the workload of damaged kidneys.

In view of the point, kidney failure patients should keep away from whole-grain bread. Because it is high in phosphorus. Aside from whole-grain bread, there are some other high-phosphorus foods that need to avoided at least limited by kidney failure patients: pumpkin, sunflowers, nuts, roasted soybeans, flax seeds, bacon, tamarinds, purple passion-fruit, potato, parsley, chives, peppers, leeks, longans, litchis, peaches, apricots, currants and so on.

For kidney failure patients, low-phosphorus diet will help prevent further dincrease of phosphorus level. Compared with whole grains bread, white bread is suggested for it contains less phosphorus and potassium. The more bran and whole grains in bread, the greater the potassium and phosphorus content (and higher fiber content).

However, if they want to normalize phosphorus level in blood, improving renal function will be imperative.

In order to achieve the goal, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. By dilating blood vessels, fighting against inflammation, promoting blood circulation, preventing coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix, supplying necessary nutrients, impaired kidneys can get enough blood and oxygen to function adequately. Along with improvement of renal function, related symptoms will disappear gradually.

If you want to learn more details about the therapy or wanna more dietary suggestions, you can email to us at or leave a message below directly!

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