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Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Quinoa

2016-01-19 10:07| Font Size A A A

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat QuinoaA balanced diet plan contributes to reducing kidneys’ burden and protecting residual renal function, so kidney failure patients have to pay highly attention to their daily diet. Well then, can renal failure patients eat quinoa?

Quinoa is called ‘gold nutrition”, just from the name, we can know it is very nourishing for people to take. Actually, for patients with kidney failure, quinoa is also a super food that can bring many benefits for them.

1. Promotes health blood sugar levels

As we all know, diabetes is one leading cause of kidney failure as well as the symptoms. Fortunately, it turns out that eating quinoa also reduces your chances of developing type 2 diabetes. And it can also help you keep those glucose levels balanced if you already have diabetes. Because it is rich in complex carbohydrates or healthy carbohydrate, that slowly digest and keep satiated for longer while keeping your blood sugar and appetite level.

2. High quality protein

Foods that in high quality protein are recommended to patients, especially renal failure patients. Quinoa is a good choice for kidney patients to satisfy body needs and it will cause less wastes in blood. So it can help reduce kidney burden.

3. High vitamins and antioxidants

The grain contains more vitamins like vitamin B6, vitamin E, and antioxidants than any other grain, which can help strengthen immune system and fight against inflammation and other diseases.

Tips: the grain is also rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and so on that can help patients with different aspects, however, since the specific illness condition will be different from person to person, so renal failure patients need to take quinoa depending on their own illness conditions. If you are not sure whether you can eat the grain or not, please do feel free to contact with our Online Doctor or email to us at and we are glad to help you!


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