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Kidney Failure With Gout: You Can Eat 5 Vegetables

2017-02-21 14:30| Font Size A A A

Kidney Failure With Gout: You Can Eat 5 VegetablesKidney failure means end stage of kidney disease, and kidneys have been damaged severely for patients. Gout is one of the most common seen symptoms, which is mainly caused by high uric acid level in blood. For patients with gout, they should pay attention about this diet, and avoid foods high in purine. In this article, we will introduce 5 kinds of vegetables that will be helpful for you.

1. Sweet potato

Sweet potato is low in purine, but high in starch, which is suitable for gout patients very much. Patients can increase the sweet potato in their staple foods, which can provide more calories.

2. Pumpkin

Similar with sweet potato, eating pumpkin can also give more calories to patients. Besides, high uric acid level in blood can damage kidneys, but pumpkin is good in tonifying kidney function. Therefore, gout patients can eat some pumpkin in their daily diet.

3. Wax gourd

Wax gourd is a very good vegetable for kidney failure patients. No matter you have swelling, high potassium, high uric acid level, or not, you can take it. Wax gourd is high in liquid and vitamins, which can help excrete uric acid out through increasing urine output.

4. White radish

White radish can increase urine output and remove wastes out from blood. And it is also less in purine, so patients can take it in daily diet.

5. Cabbage

Cabbage contains almost no purine, and it is high in vitamins and fiber, so gout patients can eat cabbage to remove toxins out in blood.

Above are the 5 kinds of vegetables that can be eaten by kidney failure patients with gout. If you want to learn more about diet for kidney failure patients, you can send e-mail to, or contact with whatsapp +8613633219293.

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