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Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Radish

2013-11-15 11:40| Font Size A A A

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat RadishDiet is a natural treatment. Kidney failure patients should well manage the diet to reduce the damage of kidney and control the progression of the illness. The kidney function is severely damaged with kidney failure. So it is very important to pay attention to the diet. Then can kidney failure patients eat radish?

Radish is a nutritious vegetable and it also has great medical values. For patients with kidney failure, radish have such effects:

It is a natural diuretic. Because of the severe loss of kidney function, kidney failure patients will have little urine output. So the waste products and toxins cannot be filtered. Radish can help increase the urine output and remove the waste products and toxins.

It can help clean blood. Because of kidney damage, the waste products and toxins will buildup in the blood. It is reported that there are more than 90 kinds of toxins in blood with kidney failure. Radish is supposed to be a blood cleaner, which can help remove the toxins and products in the blood.

It can help anti-inflammation. The kidney will generate inflammation reaction when some viruses and bacteria is infiltrated into kidney. This will cause kidney inflammation, so the kidney is damaged. Some ingredients in radish can help anti-inflammation. It can also improve the immunity.

However, not all kidney failure patients are advised to eat radish. It can reduce the curative effect of some medicines, especially some tonic medicines. So if you are taking this kind of medicines, you should consult your doctor for some suggestions.

Whether kidney failure patients can eat radish or not depends on their own conditions. Though it has these good effects, not all people are suggested to eat radish. You are welcomed to send your medical report to, the kidney doctor will send you some suggestions.

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