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Are Sunflower Seeds Good for Hypertensive Nephropathy

2014-05-20 20:55| Font Size A A A

Are Sunflower Seeds Good for Hypertensive NephropathySunflower seeds are a popular snack, while is it good for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients? You can get the answer from the following contents:

Benefits of sunflower seeds

Rich in vitamin E

This snack is rich in vitamin E and vitamin E in 50g sunflower seeds can satisfy patients’ requires for one day. With enough vitamin E supply, free radical in patients’ bodies can be cleared, so hypertensive nephropathy patients can get strong immunity to fight against diseases.

Improve appetite

When we eat this snack, the taste will stimulate taste bud, and the stimulation can reach digestive organs. Thus, secretion of various enzymes and gastric juice will increase, which helps digestion and gets up appetite.

High in dietary fiber

Dietary fiber can help to improve toxin accumulating condition in intestinal tract, since it can promote peristalsis, which helps to excrete the toxins. What’s more, high blood pressure always accompanies high blood fat, and these fibers can be discharged combining with cholesterol so as to lower blood fat level.

Prevent or alleviate anemia

With progression of the disease, hypertensive nephropathy patients may present anemia. However, this snack contains folic acid, which is important for red blood cell production. In addition, eating this snack also can increase intake of iron, which is an important element of red blood cell. Thus, right amount of this snack can help prevent or alleviate anemia.

Some disadvantages of this snack

High in salt

Salt can aggravate swelling and high blood pressure. Therefore, salt is restricted to hypertensive nephropathy patients, so patients should eat less of them or eat some unsalted ones.

Contain some toxins

In order to add flavor, many spices are added to sunflower seeds. These spices may turn to toxins in high temperature, so eating too much of this snack can increase the burden of kidney.

We believe hypertensive patients have known whether sunflower seeds are good for them. If you have any doubts about the above contents, you can email us renal-disease@hotmail.com.

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