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Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Eat Persimmon

2014-10-18 14:26| Font Size A A A

Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Eat PersimmonEating fruit is very beneficial for our body health. However, it may be different from Hypertensive Nephropathy patients because the kidney disease patients should design a strict dietary plan to protect their remaining kidney function. Well then, is persimmon on their diet plan? Let’s have a look at this passage.

Actually, the nutritional value of persimmon is very high and precious which help our body health. But for patients with hypertension kidney disease patients, persimmon has both advantages and disadvantages because of different illness conditions.

The benefits of persimmon for hypertensive renal disease patients

The persimmon is rich in pectin which is a kind of soluble dietary fiber which has a good effect of relaxing bowel. It can prevent constipation effectively. and this fruit contains includes plenty of vitamin A an vitamin C which are helpful of decreasing blood pressure and improving lung’s condition. In addition, the fruit has high antioxidant content which is good for body health.

Besides, it is an excellent source of iron, calcium as well as copper.

Although it has so many benefits for hypertensive nephropathy patients, it does not mean all patients can consume it freely.


1. Patients with high potassium level or hyperkalemia should keep away from persimmon because it is well know that persimmon contains a large amount of potassium.

2. If patients with kidney disease eat persimmon freely, it is possible to cause hyperglycemia because it has 10.8% sugar content which can be easily absorbed by the body.

3. If patients have swollen hands, feet or legs, they should limit intake of persimmon because it contains much water which also can aggravate illness condition.

Through the above analysis, we can see that nephropathy kidney disease patients should be cautious when they choose to eat persimmon. Any questions, please talk with our doctors online or leave a message below directly and we will reply you within 24 hours.

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