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Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Eat Avocado

2014-05-24 00:41| Font Size A A A

Can Hypertensive Nephropathy Patients Eat AvocadoAvocado is a kind of delicious fruit and has many healthy benefits to people, while is it good for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients?

Benefits for hypertensive nephropathy patients

1. High in calories

Patients always are required to keep strict diet to avoid aggravating their illness, so they may not get enough energy from their foods. However, avocado, which is high in fatty acids, can provide enough calories to patients. What’s more, all the energy is from unsaturated fatty acids, which is good for health.

2. Improve appetite

Patients always suffer from poor appetite and if this condition lasts for a long time, it may cause malnutrition. Sufferers can eat this fruit to help them, since it contains dietary fibers, which can promote absorption. What’ more, it also contains some enzymes, which not only is good for absorption but also help decompose the toxins in intestine.

3. Prevent heart disease

Heart disease can greatly increase mortality of patients, so they should make better preventive measures for heart disease. Eating it in moderation can help lower cholesterol level and blood fat so as to reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Rich in vitamins

Vitamins are important nutrients in our bodies: vitamin C can boost immunity, vitamin B is essential to maintain normal nerve system and vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium.

5. Loaded with minerals

Anemia and bone diseases are common complications of hypertensive nephropathy. This fruit can help to relieve these symptoms: it is rich in iron, which is an important element of red blood cell; calcium in it can ease bone disease.

Some disadvantages of avocado

1. This fruit is loaded in water, too much of which can aggravate high blood pressure and swelling.

2. Avocado also is high in potassium and phosphorus, which is restricted to hypertensive nephropathy patients.

Hypertensive nephropathy patients should weigh these benefits and risk of avocado before eating this fruit. Any follow-up questions, please email us renal-disease@hotmail.com.

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