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Top 6 Healthy Foods for Hypertensive Nephropathy

2014-04-28 20:00| Font Size A A A

Home Remedies for Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive NephropathyA reasonable diet can largely help Hypertensive Nephropathy patients improve their condition. Thus, patients should be clear about what is good for them.

The priority of hypertensive nephropathy patients is to ward off kidney disease deterioration and cardiovascular disease caused by high blood pressure, so they should eat foods helping them control these conditions.

Black fungus

It can lower platelet adhesiveness and blood viscosity, so it can prevent platelet aggregation. The risk of thrombus will decrease.


Apiinb, bergapten and essential oil in celery contribute to reduce blood pressure, blood fat and prevent atherosclerosis. In addition, celery also helps to remove excess water and wastes.

Olive oil

This oil can relax blood vessel, reducing the damage caused by high blood pressure. Omega-3 fatty acid in olive oil could lessen the combination of fibrinogen and platelet, and then reduce platelet viscosity.


Onion may not be the favorite food for you, but it contains natural chemical which can prevent fatty material deposits in blood vessels. What’s more, if patients take it with food high in fat, it can help to decompose the fat.

All the above foods can help prevent cardiovascular disease, as some of them can reduce blood viscosity and some can protect the blood vessel. The following foods may help hypertensive nephropathy patients in another way to prevent kidney disease deterioration.


Fish is high quality protein, which is recommended for patients. They can satisfy patients’ protein requirement and produce less wastes.


It is high in vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene, which can enhance patients’ immunity. What’s more, it also contains folic acid, which helps to alleviate anemia.

Though these foods indeed benefit patients but patients should eat these foods according to their own condition, for example, some vegetables are high in phosphorus, so patients with high phosphorus level should consult their dietician before eat them. If you need further help, you can contact our online doctors for help.

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