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Low Calcium Level in Kidney Failure

2014-05-22 11:24| Font Size A A A

Low Calcium Level in Kidney Failure Kidney Failure patients always suffer low calcium level, which can cause many sufferings to them. What can they do to improve this condition?

What are the symptoms indicating low calcium level?

Calcium not only is the important constituent of bones but also affects nervous system, so kidney failure patients with low calcium level may have the following symptoms:

Bone disease: Joint pain, gomphiasis, osteoporosis and fragile bones.

Disorders of nervous system: Insomnia, cramp and sensation of chill.

If patients have the above symptoms, they may suffer a low calcium level. If you have any doubts about this, you can contact our Online Doctor for help.

What can patients do to improve this condition?

1. Take more foods high in calcium

Foods are the best source of calcium, patients should take more foods high in calcium, such as milk, yoghourt, cheese, kelp, kale and cabbage.

2. Reduce intake of oxalic acid

Oxalic acid has a negative effect on calcium absorption, so patients should decrease intake of oxalic acid. For some foods high in oxalic acid, patients should boil these vegetables in hot water for a short time to destroy oxalic acid in them, such as spinach, leaf mustard and bamboo shoots.

3. Take more vitamin D

It can stimulate absorption of calcium. Exposure to natural sunlight can promote production of vitamin D.

There are some points needing to pay attention.

1. Choose calcium supplement in liquid rather than in solidity, since absorptivity of calcium in liquid is higher than that in solidity.

2. Take less amount but more times, since we can’t absorb large amount of calcium in one time.

3. The advised amount of calcium is 2500mg/d, since too much calcium intake can induce intoxication.

4. Take a good breakfast, since we have a better ability to absorb calcium in the morning.

Kidney failure patients should be cautious of low calcium level, since it may aggravate their conditions. We hope the above contents are helpful to you. Good luck!

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