Kidney Failure

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Life Expectancy for GFR 12 and Creatinine 5.5 in Kidney Failure

2014-05-08 19:17| Font Size A A A

“How long can I live with GFR 12 and creatinine 5.5 in kidney failure?“ This is a question asked by a patient from Nigeria. If you have similar questions, please read on to get the answer.

In clinic, glomerular filtration rate and creatinine are two important indexes to measure kidney function. And the normal level of GFR is above 90ml/min. As for creatinine level, the reasonable value is 0.5-1.2mg/dl.

To be honest, GFR 12 and creatinine 5.5 indicate servere kidney damage. When it comes to the life expectancy for GFR 12 and creatinine 5.5 in kidney failure, it is really hard for us to provide an accurate answer. Because the life expenctancy is affected by many factors, such as individual’s physical condition, treatements, lifestyle and mood. However, one thing is confirmed------ the early the treatment, the longer the life expectancy.

What are the treatments for GFR 12 and creatinine 5.5?

Dialysis Mostly, dialysis is used to help lower creatinine 5.5. However, it can do nothing to improve kidney function. Meanwhile, there are always some side effects.

Kidney transplant It is a common choice for kidney failure patients with GFR 12 and creatinine 5.5. However, it is really difficult to find a matched kidney. What’s worse, there can be severe rejection reaction.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy To be frank, the fundamental way to deal with this question is to increase kidney function, in this way, the life expectancy can be prolonged to a large extent. And essence of the drugs can get into kidney lesion via skin directly. What’s more, it will not bring any harm to the body. When combined with Blood Purification technique, a better therapeutic effect can be attained.

If you want to learn more about life expectancy for GFR 12 and creatinine 5.5 in kidney failure, you can send us email

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