Kidney Failure

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How to Increase Kidney Function in Kidney Failure Naturally

2014-05-07 01:42| Font Size A A A

How to Increase Kidney Function in Kidney Failure Naturally When kidneys suffer damage, kidney function will reduce. Therefore, many Kidney Failure patients are seeking ways to improve kidney function, and there are some natural ways to help them reach this goal.

Limited-protein-diet: Excessive protein intake can increase burden of kidney, while lack of protein can cause swelling and low immunity. Thus, kidney failure patients need to balance the two aspects, taking right amount of protein.

Right volume of water: Water intake also depends on specific conditions. Patients should reduce water intake, if there is severe swelling. However, patients with high creatinine level or high blood urine nitrogen should drink more water.

Low-salt-diet: Swelling and high blood pressure is common on kidney failure patients. And too much salt consumption can aggravate these symptoms.

More vegetables and fruits: Patients may suffer shortage of minerals and vitamins, as these substance leaks in urine. For these patients, they can eat more fruits and vegetables to offset these shortages.

If you want more specific diet to increase kidney function, you can email us

Proper exercises: Strenuous exercises not only strain the kidneys but also cause some serious condition, like heart disease, while some mild exercises are recommended, such as walking, jogging, Tai Chi and Chi gong. Kidney failure patients should do exercises regularly, as proper exercises can enhance patients’ immunity, stimulate blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

Natural treatments

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is based on the natural herbs can help kidney failure patients improve kidney function in the following three steps:

1. Blocking primary diseases

2. Repair the kidney lesion

3. Rebuild kidney structures

When the kidney structures get rebuilt, kidney function will be largely improved.

What’re advantages of this therapy?

1. This therapy is applied externally, so patients don’t have to bear the bitter taste of medicines and they can avoid stimulation to digestive system.

2. The medicines used in this therapy are personalized. Each patient will get a specialized medicine formula, which can better target at their disease.

3. These medicines not treat symptoms temporally, but treat the underlying cause in long term, so it can improve the kidney function from the root.

From the above information, we believe you have learned some methods to improve kidney function. Follow them and you will get better.

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