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Kidney Failure And Cardiovascular Disease

2014-04-15 23:41| Font Size A A A

Kidney Failure And Cardiovascular DiseaseFor people with kidney failure, they can be influenced by many complications, which may interfere patients’ life quality and survival periods to a large degree. In this article, we will talk about cardiovascular disease in detail.

Risk factors that evoke cardiovascular disease

According to the research, the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease accounts for about 45% mortality rate of kidney failure. And the risk factors that evoke this serious complication include age, gender, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy and so on.

Inducing factors that related to kidney disease

These factors can be found mainly in chronic inflammatory state, oxidative stress and vascular calcification. And atherosclerosis, amyloidosis, malnutrition, anemia are all associated with oxidative stress. As for vascular calcification and atherosclerosis, they are regarded as major causes of mortality in dialysis patients. Additionally, other factors including proteinuria, hypercoagulability, imbalance of calcium and phosphorus, dyslipidemia can also lead to this condition.

How to prevent cardiovascular disease with kidney failure?

Generally speaking, this target can be attained by doing the following things well. For instance, diet changes, control of blood pressure, management of blood sugar, correction of anemia, rectification of calcium-phosphorus imbalance, reduction of blood lipid level, etc. Most importantly, patients also need to take measures to excrete wastes and slow down it’s deterioration.

Here, we provide kidney failure patients with blood purification technique to help discharge different sizes of toxins out of the body. Such as, hemoperfusion, hemofiltration, plasma exchange, CRRT. Which type is appropriate for your condition? Please feel free to consult with our Online Doctors!

Besides, systematic treatment is needed to delay it’s progression and improve kidney function. For example, Cycle Therapy, Enema Therapy, Hot Compress Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Feet Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy and so on.

Cardiovascular disease is a serious complication of kidney failure, and it is of great importance to prevent it from occurring. Best wishes!

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