Kidney Failure

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Five Tips to Protect Kidneys with Kidney Failure

2014-03-12 23:30| Font Size A A A

Kidney failure is a terrible disease. Well, what should patients do protect kidneys and delay it’s progression. Get detailed information from the following tips:

1. Moderate intake of protein

Metabolic products present in the body are mainly from protein, so, to decrease the remaining workload of kidneys, the consumption of protein should be compatible with excretion ability of kidneys. When the serum creatinine level is 170-440umol/L, patients can eat 0.6g/kg protein per day; For people diagnosed with massive proteinuria, when there is 1g loss of urine protein, they need to ingest 1.5g protein; If the serum creatinine level is above 440umol/L, the total amount of protein should be no more than 30g.

2. Replenish energy

To make full use of proteins, patients also need to replenish energy as much as possible. And the consumption of calory should be above 35 Kcal/kg each day, foods including fruits, chocolate, honey, jam, etc can be good choices.

3. Consumption of phosphorus

It is worth noticing that even if some foods can meet the aforesaid requirements, due to it’s high phosphorus content, their consumption should also be restricted. And these foods can be found in egg yolk, dried meat floss, internal organs, dairy products and so on. If you want get a personalized advice, please email us immediately.

4. Salt ingestion

Frankly speaking, the intake of salt should be based on the specific condition. When there are high blood pressure and swelling, the ingestion of salt can be controlled at 2g.

5. Rational use of drugs

In clinical, drugs are commonly adopted to alleviate the signs and symptoms. Sometimes, certain medicines may cause damage to the “blood-cleaners”, for instance, gentamicin, penicillin, indometacin, acetaminophen, contrast media.

Additionally, if there are diabetes or infections, it is also necessary to bring these conditions under control. Anything unclear about five tips to protect kidneys with kidney failure, please fill in the form below for us follow-up contact.

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