Kidney Failure

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What Does It Mean When Your Kidney Function Is 2.5

2014-09-26 11:01| Font Size A A A

What Does It Mean When Your Kidney Function Is 2.5As we all know, our kidney is an important filter organ and it is mainly responsible to discharge various wastes and toxins from the body with the normal function. However, what does it mean when your kidney function is 2.5?

How do you know your kidney function?

The diagnosis of kidney function usually is made by blood tests measuring glomerular filtration rate (GFR), Creatinine Level, and BUN (blood urea nitrogen).

Normal range of kidney function should be 90 to 120ml/min according to glomerular filtration rate. We can see that renal function 2.5 is far lower than the normal values. And it means that the GFR is just 2.5. In addition, creatinine level is also an important indicator to reflect renal function. And the creatinine clearance rate is less than 9ml/min.

What does kidney function 2.5 mean?

To be frank, kidney function 2.5 is very dangerous and life-threatening for patients, because it means that your kidney has already lost almost of all kidney function and your illness condition has already entered into Kidney Failure or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) even uremia. It also implies that you need to rely on dialysis or kidney transplant to sustain your life.

Well then, besides dialysis or kidney transplant, is there any other ways to improve kidney function 2.5?

Honestly speaking, dialysis and kidney transplant is the last options for kidney failure patients in most western countries, while in China, especially in Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, both of them are not ideal treatment. At our center point, Chinese medical Therapies are widely used in clinical and have achieved the great success. Take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for an example, it is an innovation from Traditional Chinese Medicine and used externally. During the treatment process, patients just need to lie in the bed, and the nurse will put two bags filled with effective and unique Chinese herbal medicine on the patients’ lower back, then, under help of osmosis device, ingredients will permeate into kidney lesions, thus reaching the effects of dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti coagulation and degradation of extracellular matrix. In this way, kidney function can be improved to large extent. We can guarantee your life quality and make sure that you will not experience life-threatening factors as long as you can actively follow and support our treatment.

If you or your love one is suffering from kidney function 2.5 or similar and related condition, you might as well try our characterized treatments. Please feel free to contact us: or leave a message below directly and we will reply you ASAP.

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