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Roles of Amino Acids in Kidney Health

2014-09-29 15:58| Font Size A A A

Roles of Amino Acids in Kidney HealthWhat are the roles of amino acids in kidney health? Although some Kidney Failure patients are treated by the amino acids therapy, they don’t know why need to supply the substances. Here let’s see the function of amino acids for kidney health.

Why does patients need to supply the amino acids?

Amino acids play a significant role for kidney failure patients. And they are the breakdown products of proteins. We know that twenty percent of the human body is made up of protein which is made up of the essential amino acids and non-essential ones. However, for kidney failure patients, due to massive loss of protein (since the glomeruli are damaged severely), patients will suffer from various symptoms such as proteinuria, swelling, etc, and the supplement of protein is very important. Therefore, it is also important to supply the amino acids for kidney failure patients. If you have any question, please leave a message below or email to

What are the functions of amnio acids?

Generally, there are four kinds of amino acids that indispensable in our body: serotonin, dopamin, norepinephrine and epinephrine. And each of them has their own benefits. The main effort of thses amino acids can play a role in sleep cycle, depression, anxiety, carbohydrate cravings, PMS, attention, memory, drive, mood, addictive disorders, energy, etc.

How does amino acids help treat kidney failure?

Patients with kidney failure means that he or she has lost nearly all of kidney function where a low-protein diet is needed. Because protein can increase the workload on the kidneys. However, without enough protein, patients are more likely to feel fatigue, lack of energy and sleep problems, depression and anxiety. Therefore, a high-quality protein is also necessary. Amino acids, companying with low quantity but high-quality protein diet, is good for these patients.

In addition, when the essential amino acids are processed and used by the body to make new proteins, which are used to create new tissues in every system of the body. And they can consume a part of urea which can help patients lower blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level, and improve the clinical symptoms. Besides, essential amino acids is good for correcting the metabolic disorders of calcium and phosphorus.

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