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Is Sexual Activity An Option for A 70 Years Old Male with Stage 5 Kidney Failure

2014-12-08 16:03| Font Size A A A

Is Sexual Activity An Option for A 70 Years Old Male with Stage 5 Kidney FailureSexual intercourse plays a crucial role in keeping a good relationship between lovers. Meanwhile it is also an embarrassing thing when an individual is diagnosed with Stage 5 Kidney Failure. He or his partner will be worried whether their sexual activity will be affected. There is a question: is sexual activity an option for a 70 years old male with stage 5 kidney failure?

Actually, whether a kidney failure patient can have sex depends on his illness condition very much. As we all know, stage 5 kidney failure is know as end-stage renal disease or uremia, which means the glomerular filtration rate is at 15 ml/min or even less. Along with the decreased of renal function, patients will also need to rely on dialysis to maintain the health and prolong the life span. For a 70 years old patient with Stage 5 Kidney Failure, it is better to avoid the sexual activity. Generally speaking, it is hard to maintain the enough energy for kidney failure patients, let alone an elderly kidney failure patient. In the stage, the kidneys have nearly lost all of their functions. The affected kidneys fail to secrete a hormone called EPO (erythropoietin), which can cause anemia. Along with anemia, patients are more easy to suffer from fatigue, shortness of breath and weakness. What’s more, in the latter stage kidney failure, sever complications like pulmonary edema and heart failure will occur. In such a poor condition, sexual intercourse will increase their mortality. If you have any questions about kidney disease, please mail us to or talk with our online doctor directly.

To be frank, it is important to remember that people with kidney failure can have healthy marriages and relationships. Many people think that sexuality refers only to sexual intercourse, while it includes many things, like touching, hugging, or kissing. It also includes how you feel about yourself, how well you communicate, and how willing you are to be close to someone else.

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