Kidney Failure

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How Long Can You Live with 3% Kidney Function

2014-12-13 16:57| Font Size A A A

How Bad Is Stage 3 Kidney Disease with Heart ConditionsHow long can you live with 3% kidney function? Indeed, it is a worrying question for kidney failure patients. Well then, what’s the answer? To be frank, it is hard to give your specific answer. But in our Shijiazhuang Hetaiheng Hospital, China, we can provide the possible treatment about how to protect remaining kidney function and improve it.

3% kidney function is a very serious condition and the kidney function is so poor that kidneys fail to function properly. Normally, the kidney function is at 90%-120%. Even though kidneys are not functioning at 100%, a half of kidney function can guarantee our body normal work. Through the above comparison, we can see that 3% kidney function is too low to maintain the body health. According to demarcation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 3% kidney function means you have entered into the final stage kidney disease. Namely, Kidney Failure or End Stage Renal Disease. And in the stage, you need to depend on dialysis or kidney transplant to sustain your rest life. We do sincerely more and more patients can live a healthy life, any questions, please mail to or leave a message below.

Generally speaking, dialysis is possibly enable to another 2 to 5 years for Kidney Failure patients, while due to different conditions, maybe some patients will live more longer life, some patients will not. As a matter of fact, if you were a dialysis patients, surely you have found that the dialysis can not improve kidney function and repair kidney damage from the root.What’s more, frequent dialysis also can induce more serious complications such as anemia, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and muscle cramps and so on. So we can say: only applying dialysis is not enough to prolong kidney failure patients life. Well then, how to do?

In our treatment center point, we do use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Blood Pollution Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy, and other support treatment like Mai-Kang Composition, Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Hot Compress Therapy and so on. Here we discuss the Blood Pollution Therapy.

It aims at treat polluted blood, not only the kidneys. It makes full use of blood purification technologies to clean the wastes and toxins from the body. Through the treatment, patients will protect the remaining kidney function and improve it.

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