Kidney Failure

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Will All The Nephritis Develop Into Kidney Failure

2017-03-08 17:27| Font Size A A A

Will All The Nephritis Develop Into Kidney FailureWill all the nephritis develop into kidney failure? This should be one of most concerned questions for kidney failure patients. In fact, not all the nephritis will progress into kidney failure if patients can get well planed diet and effective treatment, they have great chance to avoid it.

First, let’s learn the symptoms when nephritis develops into kidney failure.

Kidney failure means end stage of kidney disease, and kidneys fail to work completely. In this condition, patients can get reduced kidney function, swelling in body, imbalance of electrolyte balance, hypertension, nausea and vomiting, etc. Once patients get these symptoms, they should pay attention and take prompt treatment.

Second, here are 3 principles that can help nephritis patients prevent kidney failure.

1. Have confidence with treatment

If your condition is light with nephritis, you don’t need to worry about it, just follow advice of doctors and take regularly examination. Keep a positive mind is much important for you to get a better prognosis.

2. Keep a well planed diet

- If you have swelling or high blood pressure, you should limit salt intake in daily life. It can prevent the worsen of your condition and relieve your symptoms.

- Nephritis patients with swelling also need to limit the fluid intake, thus can ease the symptom.

- Protein intake also need to be controlled, because too much protein intake can increase kidney burden and worsen the disease. Patients are suggested to take proper amount of high quality protein based on their own case.

3. Have good rest and avoid overwork

At the beginning of nephritis, patients are suggested to have good rest and take positive treatment. Once the condition is improved, patients also need to have good rest and avoid overwork. If patients have blood urine, large amount of proteinuria, obvious swelling or hypertension, patients should lie in bed and take positive treatment.

Therefore, if nephritis patients can follow advice of their doctor and take positive treatment, they can avoid kidney failure and live a better life. If you want to learn more professional suggestions from our hospital, you can contact, or leave a message below for help.

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