Kidney Failure

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Do One Thing: His 30 Years Kidney Disease Didn’t Develop Into Kidney Failure

2017-03-25 10:55| Font Size A A A

Do One Thing: His 30 Years Kidney Disease Didn’t Develop Into Kidney FailureKidney disease becomes a more and more popular disease for people all over the world, and it is a progressive kidney disease that patients may finally develop into kidney failure without good control. In order to prevent kidney failure, there is one thing that patients need to control well, then they can live a better life. Do you know what it is?

Yes, it is proteinuria, or protein in urine. Protein in urine means leakage out of protein in urine, which is mainly caused by kidney damage. However, the long term uncontrolled proteinuria can also affect kidney function and cause ongoing destruction, and it can lead to irreversible damages to kidney function. Then patients may finally get kidney failure. Therefore, if you want your kidney disease avoid progressing into kidney failure, the one thing you need to to is controlling the proteinuria.

Where is the true essence to control the protein in urine? The basic treatment should focus on repairing damaged kidney cells and tissues, activating the not working kidney nephrons, and reversing the kidney functions of filtration and reabsorption. Then how? The best treatment should be combination of Chinese medicines and western medicines. Western medicines can help restrain the kidney inflammation and reduce the production of abnormal protein in blood. Chinese treatment like Toxin-Removing Treatment can help clear blood and remove the toxins out from blood. In this way, it can make a good blood environment for other treatment, and there are also some other Chinese therapies such as micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, navel therapy, etc, that can be used to repair damaged kidney cells and strengthen the immune system. In this way, kidney function can be improved, and proteinuria can be controlled from root.

In addition, patients also need to have good living habits in daily life to prevent the worsen or relapse of proteinuria. For example, patients need to keep low protein and low salt diet, and also have good rest in life, thus can improve their illness condition and avoid relapse of their disease.

If you want to learn more about the one thing to avoid kidney failure for kidney disease patients, you can contact us by e-mail, or consult with whatsapp +8613633219293, we will do the best to help.

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