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Is Cranberry Good for Kidney Failure Patients

2014-05-03 00:06| Font Size A A A

Is Cranberry Good for Kidney Failure PatientsDue to its high nutritional value and good taste, cranberry is very popular in North America. However, is it good for Kidney Failure patients?

Firstly, let’s learn some benefits of this fruit.

Protecting blood vessels

Inflammation and high blood pressure often occur to kidney failure patients, and both of them can cause damage to blood vessels. In this condition, this fruit is a good choice, as flavonoids in cranberry help to ease the inflammation in kidney vessels, enhance the vascular function and adjust vascular permeability.

Preventing cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are common complications of kidney failure, so patients have to take many medicines and keep special diets to avoid these diseases. For these patients, they can take some cranberries to improve this condition. This fruit can improve the blood circulation, lower cholesterol level and enhance cardiac function, so it can prevent cardiovascular diseases in some degree.

Enhancing immunity

Due to kidney disease, patients’ immunity is largely affected, so they are susceptible to infection or bacteria. Cranberry is rich in vitamin C, which can enhance patients’ immunity. Thus, patients are immune to these harmful substances.

Preventing urinary tract infection

It can protect patients from urinary tract infection. This fruit can make urine more acidic, while bacteria like growing in alkaline environments. Thus, it can lower the risk of urinary tract infection.

Patients still should be cautious of the following points:

1. It can thin the blood, so if patients are taking blood-thinning medications, like aspirin. They should consult their doctors before they add this fruit into their diet

2. Kidney failure patients with digestive system disorders should be cautious of this fruit, as it is so tart that it may irritate the injured digestive system.

Except the above points, generally, cranberry is good for kidney failure patients. If you want to know more about it, you can contact our online doctors for more information.

Generally, cranberry is good for kidney failure patients. Patients can add some cranberries into their diets, while they should be cautious of some drawbacks of this fruit.

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