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Is Beet Root Good for Kidney Failure

2014-05-06 00:10| Font Size A A A

Beet Root Good for Kidney FailureBeet root is a common vegetable on American tables, while is it good for Kidney Failure patients? Find your answer in the following contents.

Alleviate anemia

Kidney have a significant effect on red blood cells, so when kidney suffer damage, the count of red blood cell will decrease. And then patients will experience anemia. However, eating more this vegetable can help ease anemia.

Protect the blood vessel

This vegetable is rich in magnesium, which can soften the blood vessel and increase its flexibility. Thus, when the blood pressure elevates, it will cause less damage to blood vessel.

Keep liver health

Beet root contains betaine which can improve liver cell functions. Liver also can discharge toxins, so it can ease the burden of kidney.

Lower blood pressure

Kidney failure patients who drank beet root juice experienced a significant decrease on blood pressure. That’s because nitrate found in this vegetable has effects on improving cardiovascular health. Nitrate is converted to a chemical called nitrite and then to nitric oxide, which has the effect of widening blood vessels and aiding blood flow.

Treat diarrhea

Patients may experience diarrhea in end stage kidney disease. They can add this vegetable to their diet, when they suffer diarrhea, as fiber and pectin can help patients remove excessive fluid in intestinal tract.

However, there are some points patients need to pay attention to when they eat this vegetable:


This vegetable is rich in sugar. If kidney failure patients have high blood glucose level, they may doubt whether they can eat it or how much they can eat. For this condition, they can consult our online doctor for personalized advice.

Phosphorus and potassium

If there is a high level of phosphorus or potassium, kidney failure patients also need to cautious of beet root, which is loaded with the two elements.

After reading the above contents, kidney failure patients can benefit from advantages of beet root and avoid its disadvantages.

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