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Is There Any Problem for Kidney Failure Patients to Take Oats

2014-11-11 10:41| Font Size A A A

Is There Any Problem for Kidney Failure Patients to Take OatsOats is the common food in our daily life and it can be added into porridge which makes the food tastes more delicious. The abundant nutrients in oats have many health benefits for human’s health, while is there any problem for Kidney Failure patients to take oats?

Diet is just like a double-edged sword so that a proper diet can help patients improve illness condition, while improper diet will speed up the progression. Everything has two side, and there is no exception with oats.

What are the healthy benefits of oats for kidney failure patients?

Oats are rich in dietary fiber which can reduce the high cholesterol level (a common symptom for kidney failure patients). And oats will be helpful in preventing the cardiovascular disease.

Oats contain a large amount of calcium. Patients with kidney disease are more likely to have renal osteopathy which is caused by the shortage of calcium. Eating oats can strengthen bone health and improve illness condition.

It is packed with iron which can help patients prevent anemia and relieve the fatigue for patients with kidney disorders.

The protein content can reach up to 15.6%, and the wight kinds of amino acid which can not be compounded by ourselves are also contained in oat. What’s more, oat is a good source of high-quality protein which is a good choice for kidney failure patients.

Even so, there are some considerations you should pay attention to.

You has better to choose oat meals in the same size and only in this way, can you feel comfortable on the taste. For an individualized dosage, please talk with our online doctors directly and we will do what we can help you.

If you has high phosphorus level, you are suggested to limit the intake of oats because it also contains phosphorus. Eating too much will worsen illness condition.

To sum up, there don’t have a specific answer to the question for the question, which need to depend on your own specific illness condition. More detailed info, please mail to or leave a message below directly.

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