Kidney Failure

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Can Figs Treat Kidney Failure

2014-11-12 15:59| Font Size A A A

Can Figs Treat Kidney FailureFigs are packed with numerous nutrients which are beneficial for human’s body health. And they can be consumed by the fresh or dried. However, if people are diagnosed with Kidney Failure, are figs still good for their health? Follow the article and you will find the answer.

Kidney Failure refers that kidney fails to function properly and some kidney damage is formed. Meanwhile, its functions will also lose and some changes of your body will happen, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, high potassium level, swelling, proteinuria, high phosphorus but low calcium level and so on.

As a matter of fact, figs have many healthy benefits for people with kidney failure.

Reduce high cholesterol level

High cholesterol level commonly occur when the renal function declines to some extent. and Figs contain abundant pectin which is a soluble fiber. When fiber moves through the digestive system, it is basically mops up excess clumps of cholesterol and carries them to the excretory system to be eliminated from the body.

Prevent constipation

What’s more, the fiber content in the fruit can stimulate healthy bowel movements. In addition, it also can prevent the certain types of abdominal cancer, as well as colon cancer.

Prevent high blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of leading cause of kidney disease and it can worsen kidney damage. Figs are a good source of potassium, which counteracts the effect of sodium and control blood pressure.

Help cure diabetes

Figs are rich in Potassium, which helps to regulate the amount of sugar which is absorbed into the body after meals. Large amounts of potassium can ensure that blood sugar spikes and falls are much less frequent, so figs can help diabetics live a much more normal life.

Everything has two sides, and there is no exception with figs. High potassium level is the common symptom in patients with kidney failure. Therefore, it is better to limit or avoid taking figs.

Simply dietary limitation is not enough to treat kidney failure. What we should do is to repair kidney damage from underlying causes, like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Blood Pollution Therapy and so on.

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